Adam Horowitz published on his Twitter (AdamHorowitzLA) two scripted moments not seen during Season Four. The first is from "Heart of Gold" between Rumplestiltskin and Robin Hood. The second is a CaptainSwan scene.
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Love. As seductive and dangerous as magic, this potent, unpredictable force proves to be the ultimate weapon in the epic battle between good and evil in ABC’s ‘Once Upon a Time: The Complete Fourth Season.’
Soon after Emma and Hook unwittingly bring Elsa of Arendelle to Storybrooke, they encounter the mysterious Snow Queen, whose relentless obsession with both Emma and Elsa has chilling consequences. Meanwhile, it appears Regina has at last found true love with Robin Hood, but how will she react when her happy ending is thwarted yet again by a maddening twist of fate? Then, a banished Rumplestiltskin enlists the Queens of Darkness (Maleficent, Ursula, Cruella De Vil) in an insidious scheme to rewrite their own endings and corrupt the Savior by turning her newly blissful heart pitch-black. Relive all 23 thrilling episodes of Season 4. Plus, delve deeper with never-before-seen bonus features as you revel in the intoxicating magic and mystery of Once Upon a Time – spellbinding now… and forever after! Rumplestiltskin’s Journey and Transformation in Season Four By Teresa Martin - @Teresa__Martin Rumplestiltskin went through a major transformation in Season Four. He went from the hero who saved Storybrooke into full-on villain and ended in stasis with a clear heart and all of the Dark Curse sucked from him. What is to come remains to be seen, but I believe hints of his journey were given throughout the season.
His shift, swiftly, and largely off-screen, was so abrasive in 4a that there was a lot of speculation that he might be under the Snow Queen’s Shattered Sight Curse. He was too confident, too indulgent in the worst aspects of what his character could achieve. It was so drastic that he even began “confiding” in Hook, who, strangely, took on the role of Belle in a way, as the exhorter, the preacher. And Rumple met solid walls until he hit rock bottom, not only after Belle banished him, but even after as it appeared he really couldn’t see the fallacy of his plans.. I speculated that he, being the master manipulator, was actually playing everyone like violins. As it turns out, I was wrong. It really was a simple as what we were seeing. That said, I believe that looking backwards from “Operation Mongoose Parts One and Two” can shed some light on his recent arc. I would like to begin with the last few minutes of the Season Four Finale: Emma becoming the Dark One. Rumplestiltskin is under The Dark Curse Emma understood The Dark Curse and exactly what was going to happen when she took it upon herself. She turned to her parents and told them that they would have to save her. Hook too. Her declaration of love seemed to me not only just a romantic admission, it was also a plea. Emma loves him, and if he loves her, he will also have to play a role in saving her. She understood what Belle used to about being The Dark One: saving will be beyond her. Once she becomes Dark, there will be no hope for her. It is a curse. Curses take away free-will, and worse, are seductive. Like people taking their first shot of heroin, it is impossible without outside intervention to be cured. Regina can actively work towards Emma's rescue. And lastly, perhaps most significantly, Henry as The Heart of the Truest Believer and Author logically could be front and center. Love, all love—in all its forms: parents for their children, friendship and romantic is supernatural and hence the cure for darkness. But what does this say about Rumplestiltskin? Exactly the same thing it says about Emma. He was under a curse for hundreds of years. So all of his actions since he was tricked by Zoso into killing him have been from a man to a great degree without free-will, without selflessness, and who is a complete junkie. Which brings me to my next point: By Amy Hood - @Amylia403 It is that time again, Oncers. The abyss, the hour of our discontent, that desperate time that inevitably comes each year for us…..Hiatus time. Each hiatus I take a lighthearted look back at the season to find the gems of wisdom, some serious, some completely goofy, that were imparted to us. Season Four has come to a close and I am ready to share with all of you, these pearls of ONCEY wisdom. ![]() SISTERS ARE TROUBLE! Fine, not always, but… Anna and Elsa were very smooshy and loving. But let us not forget, Elsa almost froze Emma to death and created a giant, Marshmallow ice monster. She got herself stuck in an urn, and who put her there? Yup, Anna. Ok, Anna was under the Spell of Shattered Sight, but still, couldn’t she just have stolen Elsa’s favorite sweater or borrowed her lipstick without asking? Auntie Ingrid McSnowQueen had a lot to do with that, but all she wanted was her family who loved her! I mean, sniff sniff, we all cried when Ingrid came to that realization and poofed away into the great beyond. All of us right... right? Not just me? (Cricket chirps…) And the ultimate in pesky, happily ever after ruining sister snow jobs, Zelena came back! Regina just can’t catch a break with this woman! Faking death, pretending to be the sweet as sugar Marion, and THEN…she went and got knocked up by Robin! I don’t condone family violence, but (after the baby is born of course) Regina and Zelena need to just have a good old fashioned sister knock down drag out slap fight. I certainly want to see that, and I love them both! Don’t get me wrong, I am an Evil Regal forever, but I love seeing Regina and Zelena go toe to toe. They are both so smart and devious in their own way. What a fabulous paring. Maybe they can also hash out just whose color black really is, and if Storybrooke is in fact, the Wicked West. By Teresa Martin - @Teresa__Martin
Once Upon a Time a rich family falls on hard times. Of all the children, only Belle stands out as a character of dignity. Noble though she is, she resolves to make the best of her situation and is not too proud to reduce herself to manual labor, seeking out the needy in her new “little town.” Belle is also a great scholar whose great learning and love of books keeps her from melancholy. When she finds herself in a situation wherein she becomes enslaved to a Beast, she is called by her sisters a “victim of beauty.” In the service of the Beast she is constantly in danger of succumbing to a deeper melancholy and continues to look within and her books to survive. But she has another consolation. When she sleeps she is visited by a comely Prince, who loves her madly, and she falls in love with him as they converse. He also serves as her conscience, advising her of the truth in her heart. In Belle’s waking hours, she visits with the Beast nightly and he always asks her to marry him, something from which she shrinks. Yet she pities the Beast in his misery. Finally, so missing her old life, the Beast releases her to visit her home. She pledges to him that she will return. But she doesn’t. Surrounded by a comforting, non-complex environment, she finds solace. This leads her to break her vow and stay with those who make her happy. Make her smile. Yet this proves to be shallow as she finds that she is losing herself. The Prince still comes to her in dreams, but he is in great pain since he is dying. His heart is shattered and he is all alone in his misery. The Prince shows her that it was the breaking of her vow that caused this. Finally, Belle can take it no longer. She goes back to the Beast and finds the dying Prince as she saw him in her dreams, yet it is not the man she knows, but the Beast. At this moment she realizes that her Prince was the Beast all along and when she broke with him she broke with her True Love. In soul-destroying tears she begs him to live. To come back to her. She declares her love. At that the Beast’s curse breaks. They are married and live “Happily Ever After.” This is “Beauty and the Beast.” Or as I like to call it, Season Four Rumbelle. A Fan Theory by Teresa Martin (@Teresa__Martin)
“Enter the Dragon” featured a beloved Once character working undercover as a Villain with the Queens of Darkness. He seems to be successful in the deception so far. Yes, he. I’m not talking about Regina, but rather Rumplestiltskin! I believe that Rumplestiltskn is far from Team Villain in 4b. Rather, what has appeared to be his treachery, are clever ruses to bring him back to redemption and a Happy Ending with Belle. This idea first came to me when I considered a line of Rumplestiltskin’s which seemed a little out of place: “Sometimes you need to fall very far to finally see the light.” |
July 2017