Pretties With A Purpose Fan interview by Teresa Martin (@Teresa__Martin) The cast of Once Upon A Time has inspired thousands of fans around the world to help people in the world community. Rebecca Mader (affectionally known as Bex) inspired Oncer Jordan Wright (@JNWSinger) to raise money for charities as a birthday present. Jordan spoke with Teresa Martin about her project (@wicked_2016). What made you become a Oncer? I have been a fan of Once Upon A Time since the beginning. I saw a promo commercial for the pilot and thought to myself, "This is a show about Disney. I love Disney. I'll give it a shot and hope they don't mess it up." Haha. And the second Lana, aka Regina, burst through those doors and crashed the Charming wedding I thought, "THAT'S The Evil Queen?? Yeah, I think I'm going to like this show". And I did. I loved the messages of hope, standing up for yourself and really going after the things you want. The show came at a time where my personal group of friends was breaking up, and in the fandom I ended up finding some of the best friends I've ever had. All thanks to this show. How did you become a fan of Rebecca Mader? I went to Vancouver in 2014 with one of those great friends named Laura Rhinehart (@suzieloublog) and we went to one of their sets to watch them film. We stood outside for about twelve hours and got to meet a lot of the cast. Bex was there the whole day, and every time she walked by she'd wave and say "hello". Towards the end of the day she was still filming and we hadn't technically met her yet. Plus, it being around freezing temperatures and me being from a hot, southern climate, I was freezing and couldn't stop shaking from the cold. So I basically chose to save my toes over meeting Bex. Haha. Fast forward a few months. I went to the Spooky Empire convention in Orlando, FL. My friends and I walked into the autograph room, and I think Bex was the only member of the cast who was there because it was basically just the check-in day. I got in her line and when she saw me she yelled out, "THANK GOD!!! ANOTHER RED HEAD!!!" She pulled me into the tightest side hug I'd ever been in, and she said, "Ooh! You're warm! Let me pull you in closer!" And basically used me for body heat! We took a picture and I showed her a hand sign I'd made up combining the evil regal sign with her wicked sign, which she loved and it was just a really funny, entertaining moment.
One of the great joys of the Once fandom is the incredible generosity of the fans. This year at FT4 traditional gifts could not be given to the stars, but that didn't stop Oncers from showing their appreciation in other ways. One such fan, Tracy Paquereau (@colinod_crew), raised money for the Gary Kelly Cancer Support Centre as a gift to Colin O'Donoghue. Teresa Martin spoke with her about her very special gift. What made you become a fan of OUAT? Who doesn't love Fairy Tales? That's why I've started to watch Once Upon A Time and I instantly fell in love with the show. Making our favorite fairy tale characters live in a town that only exists because of the Evil Queen's curse was a brilliant idea. Emma's storyline touched me and then Captain Hook appeared . . . Thanks to Colin and his character I became even more a huge fan of the show than I already was. I love the development of Killian through the seasons and Colin is an outstanding actor. Tell me about how you started to attend Xivents and why do you return?
I can't remember how I heard about Xivents' first OUAT convention, but I went to all the Fairy Tales. I decided to go to the Fairy Tales 1 because of Emilie De Ravin. I've liked her for a long time. But even if she was finally unable to come, it was a lot of fun. All the actors are lovely and I've met some great people. Meeting the stars of your favorite show and the fans is an amazing experience. That's why I return. But let's be honest, Colin was my main reason to go to the FT3 and FT4 :) EW has reported that Craig Horner will play The Count of Monte Cristo this Fall
The ABC Once Upon a Time panel will be on Saturday, July 23rd. Location: Ballroom 20, Time: 10am. Attending cast: Colin O'Donoghue. Jennifer Morrison, Robert Carlyle, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas, Emilie de Ravin, Rebecca Mader, Jared Gilmore, Adam Horowitz, and Eddy Kitsis. This panel will be moderated by Yvette Nicole Brown. There will be a Once Upon a Time autograph session Saturday, July 23rd at the ABC booth (#4245) from 11:15am-12noon. *ABC will be giving away SDCC exclusive Once Upon a Time postcards at the booth. 100 randomly selected fans will recieve a special postcard that will give them access to this limited signing* Colin O'Donoghue will be doing a special signing at the Icon Heroes booth (#3345) for those who purchased the special edition SDCC Hook action figure. This signing will be from 12:30pm-1:30pm onSaturday, July 23rd. Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis will also be appearing on the Dead of Summer panel along side long time OUaT producer Ian Goldberg on Friday, July 22nd at 2:15pm in Room 6A Rebecca Mader will be on the TV Guide Fan Favorites panel this year. That panel will take place Friday, July 22nd at 4:15pm in Ballroom 20. Fandom United Fan interview by Teresa Martin (@Teresa__Martin) Last Spring diverse Once accounts banded together to create a special project for the Paris Once convention, Fairy Tales IV. Fandom United rallied fans to raise money for three charities as a gift to the Once Upon A Time stars. Naomi (@Codonoghuecom) Coralie (@OUAT_Source_FR), Julie (@JmoDailyNews, @Codonoghuedaily) and Ophélie (@ParrillaLanaCom) spoke to Teresa Martin about this heart-felt endeavour. What made you become a fan of OUAT?
Naomi: I started watching at the end of Season 2. My friend had told me to watch it and I became hooked. I watched the entire two seasons in a day or two. I absolutely love the show. Once Upon a Time has such an amazing storyline. It makes grown-ups believe in fairytales again and gives us hope. Coralie: I began to watch the show just before the Season 1 finale in the US, and I became quickly addicted. I loved (and still do, despite some tragic events in the show) the hope the show brings to us: the idea of fairytale characters living in our world, and all the twists in the fairytales we know. Since then, I live, eat and speak Once Upon ATime, especially since I started my account! Julie: I’m gonna be honest, the first time I heard about Once Upon A Time, I wasn’t even planning on watching it at all. I waited for the show to be released in France. I tried it, and it was like love at first sight. I never feel better than when I’m watching Once Upon A Time. What also makes me a fan of this show is all the great and important human lessons and the hope that they give us. Fairytales are made to teach kids what is life through "happy things", princes and princesses. They are telling your kids "Yes baby, there is a very mean evil queen and a very big dragon. You will meet lots of them in your life, but if you keep hope and light inside you, you will be able to defeat them and find your happy ending at the end of the road." Ophélie: I became a fan of Once Upon A Time 4 years ago. My friends told me about this show, and as a huge fan of the Disney universe, they told me I would fall in love with this show. Which I did. I found in Once Upon A Time something very important: hope. Something hit me when I watched the first season. It made me feel good when I most needed it. I particularly fell in love with Lana and her character, from the first words she said in the pilot. This is the reason why I decided to open my website, and share my admiration and respect for this incredible woman through it. Icon Heroes website: Twitter: @iconheroes
July 2017