Recap by Samantha Lee - @SamsJag
Last week Once Upon a Time returned with an action packed episode that saw Rumple and the Queens of Darkness talking themselves into Storybrooke. This week in “Unforgiven” Rumple continues to guide Ursula and Cruella from behind the scenes as they work on resurrecting Maleficent. We also discover the dark secret that Snow and Charming have been hiding about Emma. The clock changes to 2:38am. Mary Margaret awakes to find David is missing. She goes and takes Neal out of his cradle. Suddenly, Maleficent, Ursula and Cruella are then in the apartment. Just as quickly Neal is gone from her arms and appears in Maleficent's grasp. Mary Margaret begs, “Please don't hurt my family!” Maleficent replies sweetly, “When I'm finished you won't have a family left to hurt.” Then Mary Margaret awakes again. It's still 2:38 am. It was just a dream. David is not in bed. She finds him awake, alone and drinking. He is worried about Ursula and Cruella being in town. She tells him about her nightmare and that Maleficent was in her dream. They are worried that the other two will reveal their dark secret about what they did to Maleficent in the past. They must get them out of town. We are left to wonder what terrible deed the Charmings did so long ago in the Enchanted Forest. What did they do to Maleficent? Back in the Enchanted Forest, Snow and Charming return home from their honeymoon only to find everyone in the castle under a sleeping curse. They call out for Regina, but it's Maleficent, Ursula and Cruella who step out of the shadows. They want to make a deal with the Charmings. In present day Storybrooke, Mary Margaret and David have coffee at Granny's while Cruella and Ursula stand at the counter waiting for Granny to wait on them or even acknowledge them. Will Scarlet walks in and Granny hands him “the usual” which is two coffees to go. Cruella comments that if Granny still “wolfed out” she would turn her into a coat for her collection. Regina and Henry arrive. Ursula and Cruella suggest that Regina could help them get some service by ripping out Granny's heart. Regina sends Henry to her office and then tells them they'd better not bring up her dark past in front of Henry again or she'll kick them out of town. David and Mary Margaret ask Regina about getting rid of Cruella and Ursula, but she says she wants to give them a chance to redeem themselves. David says they must be watched and Regina tells him that's a job for the Sheriff's Department, not the Mayor. Emma and Hook arrive for lunch. Hook and Ursula exchange a meaningful look as she passes by. David rushes to Emma and says he's sure they are up to something and he wants to follow them right now. Emma whines about missing lunch, but she goes with David anyway.
Recap by Zachary Van Norman Our return to the Enchanted Forest begins with a trip to the Forbidden Fortress. An unsuspecting guard stands at his post until he is swept aside by the tentacles of Ursula, doing her best runway walk down the hall. As she approaches the chamber she is stopped by the voice of Maleficent asking who she is; Ursula spins, launching her tentacles at the Mistress of All Evil, but is blocked by Maleficent’s staff. Ursula replies that she may be referred to as “Your Majesty,” hinting at a sure-to-be-revealed-in-flashback royal lineage. Ursula asks who Maleficent is before revealing that she was invited to the Fortress. Maleficent tells her that this is her home, and that she did not send for Ursula. The sound of barking dogs interrupts their argument as they turn to see two Rottweilers on the attack, and Maleficent prepares her staff for a magical blast. The dogs stop just short of the villainesses and we are treated to the sight of Cruella de Vil sauntering towards them. She advises that she wouldn’t use magic if she were them, assuring the other two that they don’t eat fish or dragon...unless she tells them to. She crouches to the ground, blowing green magic at the dogs which fells them silent before asking what she’s doing there. Maleficent reiterates that this is her home and she didn’t ask for visitors; the other two declare that they received instructions but Maleficent refutes them, saying they’re trespassing.The three of them are interrupted by Rumplestiltskin, who reveals that it was he who gathered them together. His reason: they’re villains, and it’s time for the villains to get their happy endings.
In Storybrooke, the clock tower’s minute hand moves from 8:15 to 8:16, and we see the town is at peace and back to normal: Regina drops Henry at the school bus outside Granny’s then destroys Snow’s bird painting in the mayor’s office with a fireball as she unpacks items to reclaim the mayor’s office, Snow teaches a class (including Henry) about birds, Granny holds baby Neal while Emma grabs her sheriff’s badge and a dark red jacket before going outside to meet (and kiss) Hook. The two of them walk past the closed pawn shop before greeting Belle outside the library; Hook goes inside with Belle while Emma departs. Inside the library, Hook has assembled a board with information about the missing fairies, the hat, and the Apprentice’s house. (A post-it note says that records indicate the Apprentice’s landlord is Yensid, known to Disney fans as the Sorcerer from The Sorcerer’s Apprentice in Fantasia.) Frustrated, the dear Captain knocks the board down before exclaiming that it’s been six weeks and the fairies are still trapped in the hat. Belle assures them that they will find a way to release them and that she’s reached out to some of the finest linguists in the world to help them translate runes. Hook says that it’s all because he was tricked by the Crocodile, to which Belle replies that they both were, and that she should have seen through Rumplestiltskin. Hook tells her that she was blinded by love but he has no excuse; Belle tells him that he was blinded by love too, but for someone else, and Hook says that love is a weapon as dangerous and persuasive as magic. Belle agrees, saying that Rumple had both of their hearts, but Hook tells her that Rumple loved her. Belle expresses hope that he has found whatever he was looking for. |
May 2016