Broken Heart Recap by Teresa Martin (Teresa__Martin) Once Upon a Time delivered an intense, devastating episode this week. The full truth of what happened in Camelot was revealed, and Hook embraced his Dark Side in a way not yet seen on the series. The Camelot portion of the story begins with Hook being reborn as the Dark One. As he transforms, unresolved issues flash before his eyes: hatred for Rumple, losing Milah, Rumple cutting off his hand and later ripping out his heart, and Emma choosing to become The Dark One. To his horror, Hook emerges from this state realizing not only is he alive, but that "Rumple" is inside his head. This "Dark Vision" though wins him over by promising that he can help him get final revenge on Rumplestiltskin. Hook and Emma have bitter confrontations as the former unleashes on the latter for her decision to make him Dark. Several scenes play out where Hook's anger and Emma's declarations of love abound, and it all climaxes with Hook tricking Emma. In Granny's diner, he has Merlin's heart. Hook wishes to cast The Dark Curse so that he can return to Storybrooke and kill Rumple. Nimue takes over the Dark One form and states a new curse is eminent for, on Hook's behalf, she will kill the thing she loves most: Merlin. Though technically it will be Hook who crushes the heart, it will work because Nimue lives in all Dark Ones. Despite Emma's pleas, Hook crushes Merlin's heart, killing him. However, before the purple cloud reaches them, Emma knocks Hook out and uses the dreamcatchers to take his and everyone's memories, Emma tells DarkVisionRumple that all of it was her fault so she will fix it alone.
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May 2016