1. What do you make of Emma's mission to save Hook and her character growth as a result? Joanne: To be honest, I wasn't really involved with Emma's character development. I recognized that this arc was to show that Emma had always felt alone and had done things her own way, independent from everyone else. In Underbrooke, her family reigned her in a bit and made her realize that they loved her and were there to help her save Hook, but in the end Hook essentially saved himself by helping her. Teresa: Like Joanne, I wasn't too into it. I believe Emma's journey was supposed to be her opening to love, but then I always saw her having reached that with Henry in "A Land Without Magic". I did like where the last few episodes of the Underworld arc went with her gradually coming to terms with Hook's death and her need to move on. I felt actually there was a beautiful conclusion in "Last Rites" when she was able to do what her father advised: learn to accept death like everyone else. I thought her acceptance and farewell to Hook at his grave, complete with the rum she placed, was perfection. Then Hook came back to life. To me, his return took away from those moments. (Not that I didn't want him to resurrect. I am not fond of any untimely deaths at this stage of the Story About Hope.) On the other hand, it happened, and Emma has Hook back. I hope though that the lessons she learned in her journey through the stages of grief will play a part in S6. Sam: I think Emma Swan is a smart, brave, strong character. I wish she could find Love if that would make her life better. I think Hook is hot stuff in leather. He was a great pirate and I do believe he redeemed himself in the last few seasons. But I've never really been sold on CaptainSwan as a "True Love" pairing. I think Emma learned more about her relationship to her family and friends than she did about her love for Hook. Ashley: I feel like it started out exciting enough, but in the end I was less connected with the mission and more connected with the Underworld. I enjoyed that Emma is becoming more reliant on her family, more allowing of allies in stead of going off and doing her own thing. She's letting people get close to her again and even though she's afraid of losing them, well she lost Hook, twice actually, and has survived both times. She knows that even though it hurts, even with all the collective losses she's suffered, she can keep going. Mia: I thought Emma's mission to save Hook was very heroic and sweet. It definitely showed her growth. Being open to love, she took a page out of her parent's book, and decided to do whatever it took to save him. Emma was very brave, going into a world that she knew nothing about, only clinging onto the idea that she might be able to bring Hook home.
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