1. Emma discovered that she is the latest in a line of Saviors, including Aladdin, all of whom are destined to die without getting their happy ending. This revelation was accompanied by body tremors and flashes to the battle in which she appears to die. What is happening to Sheriff Swan and will she truly meet a tragic end? Joanne: Emma has been through a lot as the Savior and she's had very little time to process what has happened to her. I do remember that Jafar told Aladdin that he could have avoided his fate, so maybe the same thing could be true for Emma. I don't think that she will die. Ashley: There is no way Emma will be meeting her end. I feel that she is at the heart of Once Upon a Time, it would do a disservice to a show about hope to have its main character meet such a fate. Emma and her tremors and these revelations kind of reminded me of people who find out that they have a chance of contracting a fatal disease . . . how they fight against what some say is the inevitable. Mia: I'm not quite sure what is happening with Emma, but I'm not happy about whatever is going on with her. It made me sad to see Emma with walls up again, as she kept her visions a secret from everyone else. She worked so hard to break her walls down, only to have this new problem force her to rebuild them. I do not believe she will meet a tragic end. She'll find a way to change this prophecy. I have a feeling that as the season continues Emma will realize she needs some back-up and will confide in Killian and her parents, so that they can help do whatever it takes to make sure she doesn't end up getting defeated by a dark force. Sam: I really wish that Emma would learn to not trust villains and everything they tell her. Everyone dies eventually, except Scully, but that's a different story. I think the idea of a line of saviors may lead us to learn that in the end we are each our own savior. Amy: I believe what were are seeing is Emma battling herself. This is a very Empire Strikes Back in-the-cave thing coming I believe. There is a strong theme of duality and two halves of self this season so I believe this is the culmination. One side will be defeated, but Emma won't die. It will be either the side that wants to give up and give into fear, or the side that wants to go on being savior. Teresa: I like that idea of it being Empire Strikes Back-like! Emma has in many ways been fighting herself for many years and so this would be it in physical form. But yea, as Sam said, quit listening to the bad guys, or believing the worst so quickly! I hate to say what WON'T happen on a show so emphatically until it happens, but I think on this one it's ok and safe to predict: no tragic ending for Emma! Zach: Emma's not going anywhere. I can't subscribe to the idea that she's going to die permanently. There may be some resurrection action going on (she's called the Savior, hello biblical allegory) but she's not going to really bite the bullet. I think the key to this situation is the fact that Emma is the product of true love. It's true that there have been other Saviors in the past but we don't know what makes a Savior a Savior, and if none of them were the products of true love then Emma would be the one to break that curse and survive her supposed death
There's also something about the person who stabs her in this vision. It's notable that Emma grabs the person's arm before the vision ends and I think that shows that she knows her attacker well enough to feel comfortable doing that. This makes me think it's the Evil Queen. Having said that, it could also be Jafar, or Hyde, or even the Dark Swan version of Emma herself, stripped from Emma's body like the Evil Queen was from Regina. Only time will tell, but no matter who it is, Emma will still be victorious.