Interview by Zach Van Norman - @TheZachVan
Zach: First of all, thank you for giving me your time again. I appreciate it. You were on our podcast once with Michael. Faustino: I remember that. That was a lot of fun actually. Zach: Thank you for that. Yesterday was fun, too. Faustino: I should be thanking you guys. That was a really special day. I only had the opportunity to go to Disneyland when I was in my teens. I’ll be honest with you; I can barely remember the trip. It looked so different this time. It was a really special day and it only happened because of you guys, so thank you. Zach: No problem. It was fun. It’s been a crazy season for Once Upon A Time. What do you think about the storyline so far and where it’s gone? Faustino: I think it’s interesting, I love it. It’s showing so many different layers to the characters and how everything isn’t so cut and dry. Just when you think it’s this, it’s that. And just when you think it’s that, it’s this. I think it’s wonderful. It’s life. It represents life. Zach: It’s nice that it’s not so black and white, evil and good. Everyone is kind of mixing it up. What has been your favorite moment of the show so far? Faustino: Oh my goodness. There are so many. You know, they’re all special moments. There’s just times when we think of little things. We don’t want it to end, ever. The last episode that we worked on we had a really good time. Lee gets into his little character moments sometimes. He had us in stitches between takes while we’re waiting to get set up for the next shot. Just those fun moments when you’re laughing and you’re thinking “I don’t want this to end.” There was that time when we set up on a river on the creek, and it was all rustic. This is where we set up camp . . . I can’t remember which episode this was in particular. I think it was season three. Zach: I think it was “Lost Girl”. Faustino: We were all sitting there around the table with Snow, Charming and all the dwarfs and we’re just talking, and then a deer just pops out of nowhere and starts walking into our scene. We’re all just doing our stuff and this beautiful creature just pops out, just starts walking, and wasn’t even startled or anything. It was so natural. We happened to get it into the shot afterwards which is really cool and amazing. Things like that, little special moments that were created throughout. It even started as early on as the Pilot. I think probably one of our last days that we filmed was ours, at the time we didn’t even know whether it’d get picked up. There was that moment doing the casket scene. We were in the forest. We show up that day. We just had a beautiful March, it was actually quite warm. And then April 2nd comes around, and it’s snowing. This is supposed to be spring. That scene, I don’t think it would have had the same flavor to it had there not been snow on the ground. Zach: It felt so appropriate since it was Snow White. Faustino: Exactly.
Interview by Gareth Hughes
Once Upon A Fan recently got the chance to pose a few questions to Once Upon A Time’s Faustino Di Bauda, who plays the role of Sleepy on the smash hit ABC series. His answers revealed a very interesting back story and shows that belief and destiny can sometimes enter all of our lives at the most unexpected times. Tell us about your plans during the break from filming? At present, still going out on auditions as well as taking a class to keep honing the skills. Also working on some retaining walls, walkways and landscaping at my Mom's house. |
May 2017
Cast/Crew/Fan Interviews