1. Our Characters get their Happily Ever Afters. How do you feel about Alice and Cyrus', and Will and Anastasia's? Gareth: Loved it. The final scene was just about perfect. It was so nice to see all the characters getting their Happy Endings. I was pleased that the theory that Anastasia would become the White Queen turned out to be correct. I hope we see some of the Wonderland characters pop up again on Once, especially now that we know the Knave will be returning to Storybrooke in OUAT’s fourth season. I can’t imagine the Knave without Ana by his side. Mauri: I think they wrapped things up pretty well. I'm very pleased with it. I like that in Alice's book about her adventures in Wonderland she had written that the White Queen and King (Anastasia and Will) had rebuilt Wonderland. Sam: Very, very happy that everyone got their happy endings! It was nice to see Alice reconcile with her family. Totally loved the epilogue where Alice wrote the book of her adventures, and how wonderful that Anastasia became the White Queen, as some people around here had predicted! Amy: I loved it. The wedding…oh my gosh, I don’t even have words. It was gorgeous. Visually, musically, everything was just amazing. That whole scene just squeezed my heart. And I absolutely adore the fact that Ana and Will went on to rule Wonderland as the White King and Queen. Teresa: The finale was one of the most satisfactory endings to a series I’ve ever seen. 2. Thoughts on Jafar's defeat. Gareth: I figured he would be trapped in a bottle somehow, but the way they did it was very well done. I’m sure Jafar will make his way to Storybrooke at some point. Mauri: Jafar’s defeat was like what happened to him in the cartoon. I was expecting him to have entered the wrong red door at first when he had gone after Cyrus and his mother. Amy: I figured he would end up in the lamp. I’m glad he didn’t die because I feel like this leaves him open to show up on ONCE in the future. I love the parallel to the Disney movie. I feel like Jafar was a very well done villain, and I’d absolutely love seeing him again. Sam: I think Jafar's demise was what we all wanted from the first time he showed up wanting to change the Laws of Magic. Seeing him in that “teeny tiny living space” was very rewarding.
Don't be late! Once Upon a Fan is jumping back down the rabbit hole for a Wonderland re-watch! Please join us for live tweeting as we revisit this fan favorite show. Every Sunday from 2/7/2016 we will view 2 episodes (one at 8pm EST, the next at 9pm EST), and on Thursday's we will view one episode at 8pm EST. This will take us right up through the end of the ONCE hiatus and give us a chance to chat with Oncers around the globe. Pull up a chair, a Twitter and of course, tea cups are welcome!
Once Upon A Time in Wonderland is a mini-series that ran in 2013-2014. It starred Sophie Lowe, Michael Socha, Emma Rigby, Peter Gadiot and Naveen Andrews.ArchivesCategories |